November 16, 2021

Glendale Community College District

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Glendale Community College is a public community college that offers certificate programs as well as associate degrees. The college serves people from various geographical areas, but it primarily serves a diverse population of the Greater Los Angeles region that can benefit from instruction in credit, noncredit, and community education programs.

Glendale Community College exists to ensure that students identify their educational goals and needs and that student learning is successfully accomplished in the following broad educational areas:

Basic skills education aims to provide students with the fundamental foundational skills in reading, writing, mathematics, English as a Second Language, and learning and study skills required to succeed in college-level work.

Lower division postsecondary education in order to transfer to and succeed in obtaining a degree at a college or university.

Career and technical education to obtain employment or to advance in one's career.

General education aims to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for postsecondary education success, personal enrichment, self-development, and a purposeful and meaningful life as a member of a global community.

Concerning the Aviation Department


Glendale Community College's Aviation Department has been assisting students in realizing their dreams of pursuing a challenging and rewarding career in aviation for over 60 years.

We have two programs: pilot training and flight attendant and travel career. Every student who completes one of our programs benefits not only from the excellent teachers and facilities, but also from the extremely low tuition. In the Why GCC? section, you can learn more about the benefits of attending Glendale Community College.

Outstanding Value

Glendale Community College's tuition is extremely low when compared to private aviation schools. Tuition at private schools is frequently in the $25,000 range. The equivalent education at Glendale costs only roughly $2,500!

Convenience and proximity

Because of Glendale's proximity to Eagle Rock, Burbank, Sunland/Tujunga, Los Feliz, Pasadena, and the San Fernando Valley, more than half of its students come from outside the district. Glendale Community College is only a few minutes away for students in the Glendale area.

Individual Attention / Small Classes

Class sizes are limited to 25 individuals, allowing the instructor to provide individual attention to each student.

Connections in the Industry

Corporations and local businesses approach the GCC Aviation Maintenance School in search of competent candidates to fill part-time and full-time job openings or internships.

Pilot Education

This Pilot Training Program prepares men and women of all ages for careers in commercial aviation. A wide range of ground classes and flight simulators prepare pilot training students to pass the Federal Aviation Administration's private pilot, instrument rating, and commercial pilot knowledge and practical exams. The main campus is where ground training takes place. Flight instruction is provided at our Whiteman Airport Facility in Pacoima, using college-owned aircraft. Over 40,000 hours of flight experience have been logged by the pilot training faculty together. Faculty members have worked as commercial airline pilots, corporate pilots, police helicopter pilots, Alaskan bush pilots, and Los Angeles traffic watch pilots. In addition to training students for commercial pilot roles, the program is suitable for students who want to become private pilots or obtain an instrument rating.


  • Federal Aviation Administration-Certified Instructors
  • Faculty who are well qualified and have a wide range of flying experience
  • Four-semester course
  • A very low-cost pilot training option
  • Multimedia ground program augmented with PowerPoint graphics and fascinating flicks
  • On-campus flight simulator is available.

Reasonable lab fees are charged to offset the operating costs of training aircraft. Please contact for the most up-to-date lab prices. Regardless of how these lab expenses are calculated, we are convinced that the Glendale College Pilot Training Program will be the most cost-effective pilot training choice in the Southern California area. We want to fly with you in the not-too-distant future!

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Glendale Community College District

1500 N Verdugo Rd, Glendale, CA 91208, United States
(818) 240-1000

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