The NVOC Aviation Mechanic Technician Program has reached capacity for the Fall 2021 semester.
Contact information for candidates is being collected for the Spring 2022 semester.
Candidates for the AMT program will be contacted in the order they appear on the course interest list.
Enrollment will continue until all available seats are filled.
The number of people on a course interest list is not disclosed by NVOC.
The aviation curriculum, on the other hand, is one of our most popular and longest-running training programs.
The Aviation Mechanic Technician (AMT) program includes 45 subject areas taught in three separate classes. The course content involves of technical classroom instruction as well as "hands-on" shop experience. All three courses are required to prepare students for the FAA General Airframe and Powerplant Mechanics license examination.
Graduates will have gained the appropriate experience and skill to sit for the FAA mechanic certification exam (14 CFR 65.77; Experience criteria) upon completion. A mechanic certificate issued by the FAA with an Airframe rating (A), a Powerplant rating (P), or both (A&P) ratings qualifies mechanics to perform specific inspections and repairs on aircraft.
PREREQUISITE: To qualify for the course, candidates must have a minimum of 9.0 Reading and 9.0 Math scores. This will be done throughout the registration process.
RECOMMENDATION: Students should plan on bringing their own hand tools. Sharing tools among students is not recommended and is strongly discouraged.
Full-time day program courses meet Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Part-time evening program sessions are held M-Th from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
North Valley Occupational Center 11450 Sharp Avenue Mission Hills, CA 91345 Phone: (818) 256-1400 Course Registration Location: North Valley Occupational Center 11450 Sharp Avenue Mission Hills, CA 91345 Phone: (818) 256-1400
North Valley Occupational Center - Aviation Center is located on the property of the Van Nuys Airport (VNY) at 16550 Saticoy St., Van Nuys, CA 91406 and may be reached at (818) 785-7511 or (818) 256-1400.
11450 Sharp Ave, Mission Hills, CA 91345, United States
(818) 256-1400
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