December 3, 2021

Lake Area Technical College

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Join the interesting field of aviation! Students in our FAA-certified curriculum can expect to receive exceptional income, unique travel benefits, appealing fringe benefits, and the freedom to work anywhere in the world.

You will be a certified A&P (Airframe & Powerplant) Mechanic after completing our 20-month Aviation Maintenance program. At the end of your first year, you will be eligible to test for FAA Airframe certification, and at the end of your second year, you will be eligible to test for FAA Powerplant certification.

As an Aviation Maintenance student, you will learn about everything from physics and aerodynamics to welding, aircraft drawings, and piston and turbine engines, as well as aircraft structures and systems. By successfully completing the prerequisite courses, students can earn an Associate of Applied Science degree.

For further information about this program, please contact us.

Only six months after graduation, graduates of our AVM program are earning an average pay of $21.88 per hour, according to our most recent Placement Report!

Diamond Award from the FAA

For five years in a row, the Lake Area Tech Aviation Department has achieved the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Certificate of Excellence Diamond Award. This incentive scheme is designed to encourage aviation maintenance staff and companies to take advantage of available maintenance training as much as possible. The Diamond Award is the FAA's highest honor for aviation maintenance technicians.

Excellence Award

The South Dakota Division of Workforce and Career Preparation has recognized Lake Area Technical College's Aviation Program. The South Dakota Director's Award for Innovation and Excellence was given to the program in 1999, and the South Dakota State Exemplary Program Award - T and I Division was given in 2002. The FAA named Aviation Maintenance Technology Department Supervisor Greg Klein SD Technician of the Year in October 2013.

The Federal Aviation Administration recognized Area Technical College Aviation Maintenance Technology Instructor Greg Klein the South Dakota Technician of the Year at a presentation conducted Tuesday at LATI's Aviation Maintenance department. Klein was chosen for the honor because of his dedication to his field, experience, involvement as an FAA representative, and voluntary work in safety education.

According to Jeff Boe, FAA Safety Team Program Manager, Klein was nominated for the award by his peers and was finally chosen by a regional Federal Aviation Administration board in Chicago, Illinois.

Klein graduated from Lake Area Technical College with a degree in Airframe and Powerplant in 1977. He joined the US Air Force as an aircraft maintenance technician. During his time in the Air Force, he flew F-4D Phantoms, Lockheed T-33 Shooting Stars, and F-15A Eagles. On the side, he maintained aviation club Cessna 172s and conducted an airframe and powerplant course.

Use Coupon Code "200OFF" to get $200 off All AMT's test prep course online!

Lake Area Technical College

1201 Arrow Ave NE, Watertown, SD 57201, United States
(605) 882-5284

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