Aviation Maintenance Technician (FAA, part 147 approved)
This FAA-approved program gives students a wide range of experience in aviation science and theory as it relates to aircraft shop practice, maintenance, and repair. Students are trained to work as aviation repair technicians and support staff. General information, fundamental electricity, airframe structure, airframe systems, reciprocating engines and systems, propeller systems, and gas turbines and systems are among the topics covered.
Technician in Aviation Maintenance
Assessment/certification preparation: FAA Mechanics Certificate with Airframe and Powerplant ratings The program was approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA, Part 147).
Aviation consists of the three areas below. Individual courses for each area are listed below:
- General Hanger and Shop Safety 12
- Mathematics 30
- Physics and Basic Aerodynamics 30
- Federal Aviation Regulations, Publications, and Records 30
- Blueprints and Drawings 30
- Aircraft Hardware and Precision Measuring Tools 30
- Hand and Power Tools 18
- Aircraft Ground Handling and Servicing 24
- Weight and Balance 30
- Structural Materials and Processes, and Non-Destructive Inspection 42
- Aircraft Cleaning and Corrosion Control 24
- Fluid Lines and Fittings 30
- Basic Electricity and D. C. Circuits 48
- Aircraft Battery Servicing and Inspection 24
- A.C. Electrical Circuits 48
- Solid State Circuits 30
- Fundamentals of Aircraft Reciprocating Engines 48
- Aircraft Reciprocating Engine Induction, Exhaust, Cooling, Lubrication and Starting Systems 30
- Aircraft Reciprocating Engines Fuels and Fuel Controls 30
- Aircraft Reciprocating Engine Ignition Systems 30
- Aircraft Reciprocating Engine Removal, Overhaul, Installation
and Testing 102 - Aircraft Reciprocating Engine Inspection, Repair, Alternation
and Troubleshooting 60 - Basic Aircraft Propeller Systems 30
- Advanced Aircraft Propeller Systems 30
- Fundamentals of Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines 48
- Gas Turbine Engine Intake, Exhaust, Cooling, Lubrication and Starting Systems 30
- Gas Turbine Engine Fuels and Fuel Controls 30
- Gas Turbine Engine Ignition Systems 30
- Gas Turbine Engine Removal, Overhaul, Installation and Testing 102
- Gas Turbine Engine Inspection, Repair, Alteration and Troubleshooting 60 AIRFRAME
- Aircraft Electrical Systems 120
- Aircraft Wiring Practices 60
- Basic Aerodynamics, Airframe Structures and Rigging 66
- Aircraft Welding 30
- Aircraft Finishes and Fabric Covering 48
- Sheet Metal Structures 144
- Aircraft Bonded Structures, Laminates & Plastics 42
- Hydraulics and Pneumatics 78
- Landing Gear Systems 54
- Aircraft Atmosphere and Climate Control Systems 36
- Fuel, Ice and Rain Control, Fire Detection, Prot. And Ext. Systems 36
- Instruments, Pitot Static, Position & Warning, & Communication/Navigation Systems 36
- Aircraft Inspections 90
Please keep in mind that this is an adult-only program.
Advanced installation, overhauling, and testing processes can help you gain a thorough understanding of aircraft systems.
Examine, repair, and maintain critical aircraft components ranging from airframe structures to powerplant systems.
Using FAAapproved techniques, troubleshoot aircraft operation.
The course lasts 1,980 hours:
Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., August-May
Summer hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (campus closed on Fridays)
20-month duration
Unless you qualify for the Next Step Scholarship and are: 1) under the age of 24, the cost is $2/hour plus books.
2) possess a high school diploma or GED
3) reside in the district
Please keep in mind that the Next Step Scholarship does not cover student fees, books, or apparel... To ensure your eligibility, contact Kristi Stephens, counselor, at (405) 422-2252.
Canadian Valley Technology Center
1401 W Michigan Ave, Chickasha, OK 73018, United States
(405) 224-7220